According to the Rippoff Scam website:

"East West Logistics Transport Company Karratha WA East West Logistics (Sean) Stolen my newly purchased car Karratha Western Australia!!

East West logistics Karratha Transport Company are a Company i searched on line and hired and I paid to pick up and deliver my new Car from Sydney to Perth.

They did the picking up part but have BUT FAILED TO DELIVER MY CAR, WILL NOT ANSWER ANY CALLS, WILL NOT TELL ME WHERE MY CAR IS OR HAS GONE OR A TIME or DATE. My cars gone I’ve got no car to get my children to school.

The most unprofessional people it should I say rude/incompetent person I’ve dealt with in my time. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT USE THEM FOR ANYTHING. EAST WEST LOGISTICS"

Ripoffscams reports filed east west logistics transport company karratha wa dudley park east west logistics transport company karratha wa east west logistics sean